Birdman Movie Review

  • Birdman looks somewhat like Ankhon Dekhi
  • Cast: Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, Amy Ryan, Emma Stone, Zach Galifianakis, Naomi Watts, Andrea Riseborough, Lindsay Duncan
  • Director: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu



With a substitute title, The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance, which shows up in the movie’s initial credits; Birdman is an exceptional, tempting and shocking dramedy. It stands apart as an interesting movie that prods your psychological remainder and it has an uncanny likeness to the reason of the Hindi movie, Ankhon Dekhi coordinated by Rajat Kapoor. The two movies are a craftsmanship house investigation of flawed individuals attempting to explore their lives.

While Ankhon Dekhi is the story of an impetuous patriarch, Birdman is a story of a blurring hero Riggan Thomson. Where, Thomson, who achieved fame dependent on his work in a string of comic book hero films, Birdman, is battling his despondency. The film features Riggan’s own evil spirits that incorporate his residential issues and inside torment.

To restore his hanging picture, Riggan Thomson, organizes a rebound as an essayist, executive and on-screen character by mounting a phase creation of a Raymond Carver short story, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, on Broadway.


Birdman Movie Review
Birdman Movie Review

Set on a phase and between the practices for the play, the portrayal spreads out bringing to fore Thomson’s frailties and his relational associations with his presently isolated spouse Sylvia (Amy Ryan), his little girl Sam (Emma Stone), his companion Jake

(Zach Galifianakis) who is likewise his maker and lawyer, his co-star and sweetheart Laura (Andrea Riseborough), Lesley (Naomi Watts) a first time Broadway on-screen character, Mike Shiner (Edward Norton) a technique entertainer and Tabitha Dickson (Lindsay Duncan) a theater pundit.


Michael Keaton fits into Riggan Thomson’s boots without any difficulty, contemplating, drinking, daydreaming and battling his way forward. He turns out as a tormented nervous character. You identify with him. However, you don’t feel frustrated about him when he concedes, I missed the occasions. Or, I was absent in my own life. He acts out that acknowledgment and apprehensive weakness with panache. Also, that is the thing that likely works for him in the film.

While all the women do their bit to flawlessness, it is Edward Norton who gets everyone’s attention as the enthusiastic, certain technique entertainer. He goes to limits with his fixation to welcome neo-authenticity in front of an audience. He is a live-wire and his essence on screen hoists the dramatization and amusingness.


Imaginatively made, the film is mentally testing and sincerely standing up to. The chief alongside co-authors Nicolas Giacobone Alexander Dinelaris Jr and Armando Bo have planned the plot as a since quite a while ago drawn nervousness stuffed bad dream of complex characters. Be that as it may, lamentably these plot focuses are shallow and shallow in nature as they don’t cross past the formative stage. These not the slightest bit upset the general impact of the film or its portrayal.

Birdman Movie Review
Birdman Movie Review


The emotional pace alongside cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki’s manipulative camera work gives the appearance that the majority of the film is one ceaseless, consistent long take.

What adds to the review understanding and upgrades the mental impact of the film, is its furious foundation score. Its adrenaline pressed leitmotif of the drum score by Antonio Sanchez is adequately used to make and commute home the purpose of the madness predominant in the portrayal.

By and large, the film is an absolute necessity watch for its unpredictable introduction, style and exhibitions.

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